Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay Example for Free

A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay A Thousand Splendid Suns the reader would think its a happy novel, however theres nothing particularly splendid one would assume about the novel. From the very beginning of the novel the author, Khaled Hosseini inserts hints and foreshadowing to aware the reader that it will be an unhappy story. This is evident in the following illustration when Mariam breaks the sugar bowl , It was the last peice that slipped from Mariams fingers, that fell to the wooden floorboards of thekolba and shattered (Hosseini 2). Hosseini is generating depressing emotions in the novel by introducing words fell or shattered resembling failure or sin. The reader also gets introduced to the word Harami and other words, such as kolba and Jinn which are terms not identified by the author, so the reader must rely on the context to better understand what the word means. For example, when Mariam expresses the fear that the jinn has returned to her mother, the reader will assume that jinn is something bad. The use of these terms establishes the setting , but also signifies that some things cannot be translated remaining a mystery for the reader. In the novel , Hosseini makes the reader live, see and feel by portraying the experiences the characters are going through in the novel, and by writing from a third person point of view , he broadens the readers ability because the perspective of the characters is limited, sometimes Mariam, sometimes Laila, which works to great effect to attach the reader to both characters equally.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Stem Cell Research is Murder :: Argumentative Essay, Argument

The stem cell research controversy is one of the major headlines in bioscience and has been discussed and debated numerous times throughout the last decade or so. It became a major issue in 1997/1998 and continued to the 2000’s where George W. Bush joined to the problem by vetoing the first bid that was brought forward by Congress to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research. Bush stated after the veto that, â€Å"would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others† and also he stated â€Å"It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect†. Bush was also supported by children that he said, â€Å"began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization (in vitro means the technique of performing an experiment in a controlled environment outside of a living organism) but remained unused after the fertility treatments were complete†¦ These boys and girls are not spare parts†. Later on that year, Bush signed a bill to ban the creation of human fetuses for the sole purpose of harvesting organs. Soon a fter, the House proposed another bill that they had hoped him to sign to promote efforts to conduct stem cell research without destroying human embryos. Bush had called it â€Å"an important piece of legislation†, but several politics said that it would distract attention from his veto for the funding for human embryonic stem cell research. Researchers and officials say that about 400 000 frozen embryos are stored at several U.S. fertility clinics with the vast majority await removal because couples that have produced these embryos do not want to raise them and also don’t want another person(s) to raise their biological child. One problem that I think is an issue in the stem cell debate is the destruction of the stem cells and how it’s practically the same thing as destroying a human being. I don’t believe that researchers and scientists should continue using embryonic stem cells for research because we are obviously not finding a cure for human diseases yet although for animals we are, it’s just not right to destroy a human being if we cannot find treatments for major diseases within a decade or so.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Life of Mind

Riza Abilova Id: 20120438 ARW I, Section 4 Date: March 29, 2013 Discussion essay Second draft Does is living with less have a beneficial influence on people’s life in U. S? A person’s lifestyle is like a mirror. It shows who and what a person is, what he or she does, how he or she dress and what conditions he or she prefers. Some people are happy with a small amount of money with comfortable living while others want to earn large amounts of money and become rich. However, living with less is like having minimalist lifestyle which involves material limitations, less consumption, more space, less unnecessary possessions and so on.Furthermore, as Graham Hill (2013) entrepreneur and founder of LifeEduited. com and TreeHugger. com reports, â€Å"I sleep better knowing I’m not using more resources than I need. I have less and enjoy more† (n. p) (as cited on www. nytimes. com). Living with less brings appreciably more satisfaction, relaxation and enjoyment. Moreo ver, people will not get attached to things. For one thing, people who depend on their possessions and luxury life, in many cases lose part of life that is really important. The minimalist lifestyle in U.S is a beneficial way to allow pleasure and better health and spending less time on new technologies but on the other hand people get losing this knowledge of modern society of this country. One of the advantages of living with less in U. S is that people can take more joy and time. Living with fewer possessions is not only having joy but also is very closely related to the times and technology. The fewer possessions you have to worry about, the more time you have to spend with friends, family or in nature or beautiful places in life. Technology is incredible and infinitely developing, but occupies most of our time.For example: social technology provides the ability to connect, communicate and also play games and others. As Albert Einstein who theoretical physicist and one of the fo unders of modern theoretical physics (1921) demonstrated, â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity†. (n. p) However, one should note here that technologies can take away a large part of the time of your life. If on the one hand it can be said that it is beneficial having enjoyment and more time, the same is true for better health.Another beneficial advantage of living with reducing possessions in the United States is that people feel less stress. Living with less material stuff allows people the ability to not worry about their obligations. Therefore, living with fewer possessions allows less worrying about obligations which includes cleaning, repairing, breaking, and obsolete of these materials. Material objects not only lead to physical fatigue but disorders like depression too. As American Psychiatric Association (2011) shows, â€Å"depression is a common and highly treatable disorder affection over 17 million American adults a nnually† (n. ). It is generally agreed that stress and nervous feelings brings a negative effect on disorders. With living with less stuff, you can avoid depression and aggression by obligations of items. Another way of looking to this lifestyle, it is about surplus of knowledge of new technologies. One of the unbeneficial ways of living with less is that using less modern technologies. For instance, if people stick to this way of life, and they prefer not to use the new technologies, gadgets and other things, it will be bad influence on the formation of person as a modern one.Many people will consider as a primitive man who is absolutely nothing know, it is difficult to have a dialogue with someone who cannot understand what others mean. Likewise, as Jonas Salk who was an American medical researcher and virologist (1979) shows, â€Å"This is perhaps the most beautiful time in human history; it is really pregnant with all kinds of creative possibilities made possible by scien ce and technology which now constitute the slave of man – if man is not enslaved by it†(n. p) . In reality, all technologies are developing that is why future without him nothing would do.The most importantly is that being a successful person makes a big influence on the skill of modern technology not only for work but also for self-improvement. One should, however, not forget that if people have lack of knowledge of new technologies, in many cases, they can’t find perspective job to successful career. Our modern world is difficult to imagine with lack of knowledge of computer technology, and successful professional worker without this knowledge. The United States is one of the most highly developed states in the world that is why new technological hings have an important part of their life. A minimalist lifestyle offers the enormous benefits and if Americans want to take more joy and time and feel less stress, they need to start living with less. As Julie Schor who is a professor of Sociology at Boston College (2002) shows, â€Å"we need to invest more meaning into material objects to slow down the buy-use-discard cycle of U. S. consumer goods†(p45-60). This means, society of this country should really think about material possessions, whether want to buy it, whether it is beneficial or useful etc.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Relationship Between The Us And Indian Communities Of...

The US in the 1830s debated the relationship between the US and Indian communities of North America. The principles calling for equal rights and political democracy of the people in America were in contradiction with the principles the US was initially against. American colonists began to view the vast expanse of lands controlled by Indians as desirable and could now use Indians in a new way: to acquire land for development . As the rapidly growing United States began to move towards the South in the early nineteenth century, white settlers were confronted by the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole nations, which became an obstacle in the way of their plight to acquire land to grow cotton and crops. In order to effectively†¦show more content†¦This declared Indian Removal as unconstitutional since sovereign nations could not be constrained. Accordingly, the question, â€Å"What is the best explanation for why President Andrew Jackson and the United States conti nued with Indian removal even after the court deemed the forced removal of and interference in the affairs of sovereign nations unconstitutional?† is viable because it analyzes and examines the arguments and describes the principles the US relied on and practiced as one description and assessment of Jacksonian Democracy and thus explains why they were able to continue with Indian Removal. Indian removal was maintained because of the varying points of view between the three parties: President Jackson (Pro-Removal), the Supreme Court and the Indians. This transformed into a quarrel between the President Jackson and the Supreme Court while the Indians and their views were completely and utterly disregarded. The varying points of view brought up contradictions and created tensions that ultimately created a window for Indian Removal. Greed for Land and Power Many Americans advocated Indian removal because of their greedy intentions for power and land. The US took control of Indian land through treaties. At first, these treaties were to maintain peace. However, as time went on, the US started taking advantage of the Indians’ generosity and their greed got worse. Before, it was just a